¿Podrías identificar estas canciones de Arctic Monkeys con un trozo de letra?
¿Crees ser un experto en cuanto a Arctic Monkeys se refiere? Ponte a prueba.
1. ''Crawling back to you. Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do.''
2. ''If you like your coffe hot let me be your coffe pot. You call the shots, babe.''
3. ''And I can't see you here wonder where am I? Sorta feels like I'm running out of time.''
4. ''I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare.''
5. ''Uninviting. But not half as impossible as everyone assumes. You are...''
6. ''Have you got colour in your cheeks? Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift''
7. ''And yeah, I'm sorry I was late. But I missed the train and then the traffic was a state.''
8. ''And I don't wanna lie but I don't wanna tell you the truth. Get the sense that you're on the move.''
9. ''I go crazy 'cause here isn’t where I wanna be. And satisfaction feels like a distant memory''
10. ''You knew it would go amazing, but is this what you had in mind? Oh, there's nothing you can't find''
Vas bien encaminado.
Vas por el sendero correcto, sigue así.
Eres todo un experto de Arctic Monkeys, me caes bien.