Letras de Blink-182
¿Te sabes todas las letras de la banda estadounidense "blink-182"? Vamos a averiguarlo
1. Holli's looking dry looking for an easy target let her slit my throat give her ammo if she'll use it
2. Buy some candy and cigarettes and we'll get in my car, we'll blast the stereo and we'll drive to Madagascar
3. She smokes a dozen and he doesn't seem to notice the smell, he took the seat off his own bike because the way it felt
4. I can't be too cool in a tree with my pants down, the air is cold and I've got splinters in my feet
5. She creeps up like a spider and wants you deep inside her, she turns you into stone a twisted little show
6. Fuck this place, i lost the war, i hate you all, your mom's a whore. Where's my dog?
7. I tried to fuck your mom in the ass, tried to fuck your dad in the ass... could only find the dog... and his ass
8. She laughs at my dumb jokes when no one does, she brings me mexican food from Sombrero's just because
9. Your vows of silence fall all over the look in your eyes makes me crazy, I feel the darkness break upon her
10. Why does it feel the same to fall in love or break it off, and if young love is just a game then I must have missed the kick off
¡FELICIDADES! Te sabes todas (o casi todas) las canciones de Blink-182
Genial test, me ha encantado, también hice uno de Blink hace tiempo