Letras de Artic Monkeys
¿Te sabes las letras de las canciones de este grupo inglés que ha revolucionado la música en los últimos años?
1. She’s a silver lining lone ranger riding through an open space
2. Tonight there'll be a rawkus, regardless of what's gone before
3. The only reason that you came So what you scared for?
4. Not quick enough, can I have it quicker? Already thick, and you're getting thicker
5. Outside the cafe by the cracker factory You were practicing a magic trick
6. Just might have tapped into your mind and soul You can't be sure
7. Run with scissors through a chip and fryer fight
8. Although you're trying not to listen I bet your eyes are staring at the ground
9. I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
10. Stop making the eyes at me I'll stop making the eyes at you
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