Letras de The Beatles (Nivel Difícil)
¿Las podrás reconocer todas?
1. Now it only goes to show And I told them where to go Ask a policeman on the street There's so many there to meet.
Blue Jay Way
All My Loving
Honey Pie
2. Many times I've been alone, and many times I've cried
The Long and Winding Road
Let It Be
Get Back
This Boy
3. You didn't run, you didn't lie You knew I wanted just to hold you
Got To Get You Into My Life
Polytheme Pam
4. And I will sing a lullaby
Golden Slumbers
I Me Mine
The End
I Want to Hold Your Hand
5. You layed it down for all to see
A Day in the Life
Sexy Sadie
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
6. Well I know that I'm a wicked guy And I was born with a jealous mind
Run For Your Life
Hey Bulldog
I Need You
Préstale más atención a las letras la próxima vez
Bastante bien
Se ve que le echas una ojeada a las letras de las canciones
Has acertado todas o casi todas las preguntas, eres un verdadero fan de The Beatles
Has acertado todas o casi todas las preguntas, eres un verdadero fan de The Beatles
mis recuerdos mas gratos de la infancia tienen sus canciones de fondo, gracias papá!
A pesar de haber fallado 2, el test no estaba tan difícil